Recorder teaching job in Graz


The Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz (Institut für Alte Musik und Aufführungspraxis) is selecting one Recorder teacher (starting date October 1) on a five years part-time (50%) contract renewable with tenure, with a monthly salary of  €2.285,60 (gross, with two extra bonus payments per year). Candidates must apply before April 22 at the Rector’s Office. Essential requirements are:

  • Completion of a post-secondary education course or equivalent degree
  • Highest artistic qualification for the specific discipline
  • Outstanding  international artistic career
  • Distinguished pedagogic and didactic capacities
  • Willingness to take part actively  in the development of didactical culture and to the artistic and scientific life of the University as well as to the realization of self-government within Kunstuniversität Graz
  • Gender competence

Full info is available at this link:

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